Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Welcome to the Cobb Site

Thank you to Linda Young of the University of Florida for bringing this video to the attention of the AP Stat readers:


Mark your calendars for the Georgia Mathematics Conference on October 19-21, 2006. The Friday meeting of the GA Association of AP Mathematics Teachers will include sessions ALL DAY and a free lunch for members. You can join at the meeting. Topics to be included are the audit, technology, experimental design, and results of the free-response reading. Chris Franklin will be a keynote speaker one evening. Paul Myers will demonstrate Fathom and TinkerPlots on Thursday.

Do you visit the AP Stat Electronic Discussion Group website? You can become a member and get emails every time someone posts to the EDG (listserv), but I don't recommend it. It is more efficient to bookmark the site and visit it frequently.


Last year someone on the listserv proposed the following fun activity for the first day: Compare the numbers of phone numbers programmed into student cell phones. Do boys or girls have more numbers? Seniors or sophomores? Is it fair to make generalizations based on this sample? Is it fair to collect the data first and THEN develop the hypotheses? Is the teacher REALLY going to let us whip out our cell phones or is this a trick?

I have a reputation as a policy-follower, so students were caught off-guard when I ran this investigation last year. For the rest of the year my students (mostly) followed policies.

Got any ideas or questions? Let's make this a valuable hirizontal teaming tool.